Where does RBCRE8IVE source materials?

We have 2 US based suppliers for all of our hardwood, hardwood veneered plywood, MDF and acrylic.  Some items do have elements - such as lights, battery boxes and other items that are sourced from suppliers that import from other countries.

What are the return and refund policies?

On any NON-customized/personalized order, refunds and returns are accepted for manufacturing/workmanship issues only.  Shipping issues (broke during shipping) will be replaced and we will file a claim to be reimbursed by the shipping company.  Personalized/Custom orders are not returnable or refundable - the one exception is if we make a mistake in spelling, colors, or other manufacturing defect and in that case we will replace with a new item - ABSOLUTELY no refunds.

What is the turn around time?

Most items have a 3-5 business day turnaround time, with exceptions during the busy holiday season when times may become 7-10 business days or 14-21 business days depending upon item purchased.  On items that take longer to create, it will be noted in the product description.